Fine Art Reproduction

We reproduce and digitize fine art for many of the region’s great artists using our scanning and photographic reproduction services. Whether you need a series of matted and mounted prints for a local art fair, canvas wraps for a gallery exhibition, or just need high-resolution, color accurate digital versions of your paintings for online distribution, we are always proud to serve Michigan’s artists.

Safety and Security

The safety of your originals is our highest priority at Petoskey Print Studio. As artists, we understand how delicate artwork can be and we treat it appropriately. We professionally photograph larger and more fragile pieces to ensure they don’t need to come into direct contact with scanners or other machinery. In contrast, commercial print shops and document printing facilities will offer to scan artwork, but this often results in damaged originals and low quality reproductions because they aren’t equipped or trained to properly handle it. You can trust your invaluable work to be treated securely and reproduced faithfully by our team of artists.

Accuracy and Detail

We use industry standard color calibration targets and superior color-calibrated printing equipment to ensure that your work gets the most accurate color possible. Our high-resolution scanning and photography equipment ensures that the finest details are preserved in your prints and digital copies.


Let's get started.

Call us today.

231 487 2102